DOB: 2018-02-25 SE40588/2018

Height: 68 cm
Weight: 43 kg
ED: 0
SP: 0, LTV: 0, VA: 0
Dental Status: Correct bite. Missing 1 P1.

JME: Clear* **
DM: Clear* **
Hemophilia B: Clear* **
EOAD: High confidence clear.
D-Locus/Dilute: D/D - not carrier

*Trough parantege.
** Tested Laboklin June 2020

BPH (Behaviour & personality Assessement): Yes

Breeder: MIchaela & Björn Jacobi/Rubicon Red Kennel
Breeding rights: RidgeRules & Rex Ventors

Buddha will stay at our house with 2.... bitches to adress his behaviour.

His mother and especially his livernosed aunt was a puppy I had my eyes one a few years back. I followed the planned combination with "Kito" and the first pictures of them. In the beginning of april we ourselfes had a litter so the time flew fast. Some weeks later pictures was published that "Buddha" still was available and looking for a home! I was super suprised and exited because I really liked what I saw in those pics. Veronica (Thorén/Rex Ventors) also noticed the photos and whips we bought ourselfes a puppy!
For more pictures visit Buddhas FB album: HERE